Thursday, July 13, 2006

Join the Struggle to Turn US Policy Away from Its Violence

From Ann Wright, one of the leaders of an ongoing hunger strike campaign dedicated to changing US Policy away from its pursuit of violence:

--July 12, 2006, Washington, D.C.
This is Ann Wright, one of the most unlikely fasters in the world. I am a 29 year retired Army Colonel and a US diplomat who resigned from the State Department in March 2003 in opposition to the war in Iraq. In my 35 years of US government service, I never thought I would be fasting for anything, but here I am—and here you are!!!!!

I am writing on Day 8 from the encampment in front of the White House. We are here from 10am to 7pm each day to sit as witness in front of the People’s House to tell the Bush administration that we demand that the war on Iraq end and that our troops be brought home now. After 8 days on the fast we want to check in with all you fasters, no matter if you fasted for one day or are still fasting after 8 days. In this letter, I will share with you what's happening in DC, and how you can take part in the Troops Home Fast from your city, or join us in DC.

We have fifteen longer term fasters (two weeks or more) at the White House who are drinking mostly water with a little juice or Gatorade (or another electrolyte supplement). A few of those fasters are drinking only water but are watching their physical and emotional conditions closely. We have a circle each morning and evening to discuss how we feel and pass on any tips for fasting that we have heard during the day. We are amazed that we don’t feel hungry and have remarkable energy for having not eaten for days.

Doing this fast in front of the White House makes us feel good. At lunch and dinner times we walk with our banners to the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue, get on the bullhorn and talk to the White House, asking what George and Laura are having for their meals while we fast for peace. The many American and international tourists are quite amazed that we have fasted for so long. So far we have had no response from the White House.

Our on-site fasting gurus, Dick Gregory, Diane Wilson and Jane Jackson, give us moral support and practical advice. Dick Gregory, who has done 70 fasts for social issues over the past 40 years, suggests that a faster drink a combination of one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, one tablespoon of molasses or dark maple syrup in one cup of water with a dash of cayenne pepper. He says one should drink a gallon of water each day and should not do any unnecessary exercise as the fast continues as one needs to conserve one’s energy for the long fast instead of short term events.

Diane Wilson continues to be an inspiration with her fasts for environmental and political issues. Jane Jackson, from her motorized wheelchair, has done fasts with Cesar Chavez and Dick Gregory and gives us historical perspectives of social justice issues from Washington to California. Jane just returned to her home in Oakland, California, where she plans to continue her fast outside the Federal Building. We would like to invite you to continue to take action to bring our Troops Home Fast! In the box below, we've listed some of the ways you can support the fast:

Take Further Action to Bring the Troops Home Fast!

With your help, the Troops Home Fast will be an effective nonviolent resistance action that will galvanize public support--and make legislators take action--to stop the war in Iraq!

Plan a Public Fast: Please consider creating a public fast in your city or town. We can help you connect with other people who signed up to fast and live in your area, and we can help you plan a local Troops Home Fast action. Consider planning a public fast once a week outside your Congressperson's office, a military recruiting center, a military base, or a public place with a lot of foot traffic. To add your event to our online calendar and find tips for planning a local action, click here.


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